A groom taking a cell phone call under the chuppah.
A parked camel in a row of parked cars.
A graphic sign for a boy's urinal.
A tallit bag embroidered with initials spelling Schmuck.
A street sign for Hardon Lane.
A yahrtzeit candle vending machine.
Six children in Santa Claus costumes in Mea Shearim.
Spiderman and Shtreimel-wearing Chassidim at the Western Wall.
Apple flavored Durex condoms with honey for Rosh Hashana.

These funny pictures and mistakes in English and Hebrew signs were taken by Mirjam Weiss and collected from Facebook by Zvi Levran.
Don't blink while watching this video or you'll miss some of the funniest moments. This is one that you'll want to view a few times to catch all of the details. Enjoy!
Way to go, Mirj!
ReplyDeleteHere is a funny commercial made in Israel about Israel. Enjoy!
lol thanks for sharing this i really like it.