With only five days remaining until we sit down for the first (and in Israel, the only) seder, it's the right time to start picking and choosing which Haggadot to use at the table, assigning roles to all of the participants, deciding which parts of the Haggadah to skip or how many commentaries to add.
It was produced by Ayeka, a Jewish spiritual educational organization that was founded in 2006 by Aryeh Ben David, who grew up in New York City, moved to Israel in 1978, received rabbinic ordination, and taught at the Pardes Institute.

Ayeka has developed some interesting new ideas for the seder, including guided conversations for adults and afikoman cards for kids 4-12.
One of the writers of the video is comedian Yisrael Campbell, whom we profiled in October 2009 when he started his Circumcise Me tour. And one of the actors is Benji Lovitt, whose Rosh Hashanah street interviews in Tel Aviv we blogged about last September.
Chag sameach!