Jewish Humor Central is a daily publication to start your day with news of the Jewish world that's likely to produce a knowing smile and some Yiddishe nachas. It's also a collection of sources of Jewish humor--anything that brings a grin, chuckle, laugh, guffaw, or just a warm feeling to readers.
Our posts include jokes, satire, books, music, films, videos, food, Unbelievable But True, and In the News. Some are new, and some are classics. We post every morning, Sunday through Friday. Enjoy!
The Israel Forever Foundation is
an engagement organization that develops and promotes experiential
learning opportunities to celebrate and strengthen the personal
connection to Israel as an integral part of Jewish life and identity.
One of their projects is the Israel Forever Blog, a dynamic
collection of personal perspectives, insights and stories that empower
others to explore and strengthen their own personal connection to
With the Israel Forever blog focusing on Jewish humor during the eight days of Chanukah, we were invited to share our perspective on Jewish and Israeli humor. We included some of the funniest video clips that we've posted over the years. We thought that our Jewish Humor Central readers would enjoy revisiting them, so we're reproducing our Israel Forever blog post below.
Jewish Humor - Does Israel make it different?
By Al Kustanowitz
In all the press coverage of Israel as a center of conflict in the
Middle East, one very important characteristic of this colorful and
friendly country that’s not often reported is the role of humor in
everyday life.
This aspect is sorely lacking in the columns of newspapers around the
world, but all it takes is a visit to Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, a reading
of the local papers, or watching Israeli television to see the fun that
Israelis are having in their activities. This is true among religious
and secular communities. It may not be as readily apparent in the
religious or Haredi worlds, but living among them will reveal that even
in the most serious halls of study and prayer, smiles and laughter are
often lurking just below the surface.
Since 2009 I have published a blog called Jewish Humor Central.
In it I’ve posted more than 1,800 video clips relating to Jewish humor
around the world in all of its forms. And there are many forms.
More than 350 of these posts are specifically related to humor that
has a connection to the land and people of Israel. They include jokes,
funny TV commercials, parody, satire, improv, standup comedy, music
videos for Chanukah and other holidays, and unbelievable but true
reports of funny and unusual happenings that could occur only in Israel.
Not all humor in Israel is laugh out loud funny, but that’s also the
case everywhere else in the world. Some anecdotes, news items, and jokes
are hilarious, and some bring a grin, chuckle, laugh, guffaw, or just a
warm feeling that's likely to produce a knowing smile and some Yiddishe
I selected the best of the bunch, some 120 blog posts with associated video clips, and published a book about them called Israel is a Funny Country.
With links to more than six hours of Internet video, it explores the
multifaceted nature of humor in Israel, some of which is intentional and
some of which is unintentional. Either way, the quirks of Israeli life
contribute to making that life interesting and fulfilling.
In the pages of this volume, I take a look at humorous slices of
Israeli life, unusual stories about food, simchas as they can only be
celebrated in Israel, endearing aspects of Israeli culture, a look at
the growing phenomenon of flash mobs, and a glimpse of a few unusual
Israeli sports.
My objective in writing the book and
sharing these anecdotes and video clips is to give readers and viewers a
new and different insight into life in Israel, and encourage them to
join in the fun by planning a visit to the land flowing with milk and
Here are just a few examples of funny
happenings in Israel that are not widely reported worldwide, but that
appeared in Jewish Humor Central.
Mermaid Spotted Off Haifa Coast; $1 Million Reward Offered
A mermaid was reported in Kiryat Yam, a suburb of Haifa. A local
resident insisted that it came ashore and touched him. The story was
reported by Israel21c.
Kojak the Camel Gets Tied Up in Jerusalem Bureaucracy
Kojak, the kissing camel of Jerusalem, got tied up in Jerusalem
bureaucracy when the municipality insisted that he apply for a business
Israeli TV Commercials, whether for food and drink, or to encourage
tourism, can also be funny with special appeal to the Jewish viewer.
Israel Ministry of Tourism: History is Everywhere
A tourist is shocked when David and Goliath make an appearance in modern Jerusalem.
Neviot Flavored Water: The real story of how Michelangelo sculpted David
What we think of as Jewish humor in the USA and Israeli humor are quite different.
While most of the old great comedians in America were Jewish, there is
very little Jewish content in their performances. Jack Benny, George
Burns, Danny Kaye, Alan King, Shelley Berman, Victor Borge, Henny
Youngman, Sid Caesar, and Milton Berle were obviously Jewish, but their
jokes, sketches, and routines were largely devoid of any ethnic or
religious content. Even Myron Cohen, with his strong Yiddish accent,
told jokes that were more universal than sectarian.
Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks also projected a strong Jewishness but it
did not dominate their work, even when they were writing sketches for
Sid Caesar. Sure, their 2000 year old man skits were filled with Jewish
sensibilities, and there were short recognizable (and funny) Jewish
lines in some of their movies, but only Jackie Mason stands out as the
quintessential Jewish stand-up comedian.
Younger comedians, such as Jerry Seinfeld and Billy Crystal, follow
the same pattern of general humor with a faint Jewish inflection.
Israeli humor, however, is very, very Jewish through and through. And
it’s different in many ways. Most American Jewish humor takes the form
of jokes, and often racy ones, that are repeated endlessly wherever Jews
gather, whether at social functions or in the synagogue. Much of
Israeli humor is in the form of TV skits, and lots of parody of
politicians and the political process. This may be funny to Israelis,
but to visitors, and especially those not fluent in Hebrew and the day
to day activities of these politicians, it has no impact.
The Israeli humor that makes non-Israelis laugh is generally
presented by olim from America and other countries such as Benji Lovitt,
Deb Kaye, Yisrael Campbell, and Molly Livingstone who recount their
battles with the Israeli bureaucracy, their struggles to learn Hebrew
and hold their own in a new culture where direct and sometimes rough
talk and behavior is considered normal, and where political correctness
is virtually unheard of.
Al Kustanowitz founded Jewish Humor Central in 2009, to bring a
daily dose of fun and merriment to readers who would otherwise start the
day reading news that is often drab, dreary, and depressing. A
long-term devotee of Jewish humor, Al has been collecting it even before
there was an Internet. For the last 25 years he has been editor and
publisher of The Kustanowitz Kronikle, originally a family newsletter
that went public when the Purim editions became too popular to keep
private. Now they're all available as a book, The Kustanowitz Kronikle:
25 Years of Purim Parody. In 2012, Al wrote a series of seven
interactive books with the series title Jewish Humor on Your Desktop.
Israel is a Funny Country, now in an expanded second edition, is one of
the books in the series. For more information visit or send an email by clicking HERE.
Subscribe now. Start each day with a smile. No cost, no obligation, no spam.
Just Published: The Kustanowitz Kronikle - 35 Years of Purim Parody
Every Purim for the past 35 years we have published a Purim parody edition of The Kustanowitz Kronikle, covering virtually every aspect of Jewish life, and including parodies of hundreds of popular movies. This year we decided to retire the series and capture all the fun in a book that's just been published and is available at It has every Purim issue of The Kustanowitz Kronikle from 1988 through 2022 in a full-color, full-size paperback book with hilarious headline stories and parody movie picks. Here are a few examples: TRUMP, NETANYAHU SWAP ROLES, COUNTRIES; NEW TALMUD VOLUME "VOTIN" FOUND IN IRAQ; JOINS "FRESSIN", "NAPPIN", TANTZEN","PATCHEN"; "JUDAICARE" PROGRAM PLANNED TO ENSURE THAT ALL JEWS HAVE SYNAGOGUE MEMBERSHIP; RABBIS CREATE TALMUD AMERICANI; NEW LAWS EXTEND HALACHA TO THANKSGIVING AND JULY 4; JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS WORLDWIDE UNITE TO STOP GLOBAL WARMING; FOCUS ON REDUCING HOT AIR; RABBIS TO REQUIRE SHECHITA FOR MANY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES
Jewish Humor Central Staff
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief:
Al Kustanowitz Food and Wine Editor:
Aviva Weinberg Israel Food and Wine Consultant Penina Kustanowitz Reporter and Photographer:
Meyer Berkowitz Reporter Phyllis Flancbaum
Now You Can Book Program and Lecture Dates for 2025 and 2026 in Person and Via ZOOM
Now is the time to book our Jewish humor programs and lectures for your 2025 and 2026 events in person and via ZOOM anywhere in the world. Book any of our 22 popular programs including "The Great Jewish Comedians", “Israel is a Funny Country”, and "Jewish Traces in Unexpected Places." Click above for details and videos. To book a program with Al, e-mail:
"Jewish Traces in Unexpected Places" is now available on in paperback and Kindle editions
This book presents 150 anecdotes and associated video clips that reveal the myriad ways that Jewish culture, religion, humor, music, song, and dance have found expression in parts of the world that, at first glance, might not seem supportive of Jewish Life. It includes 50 videos of Hava Nagila being performed from Texas to Thailand, from India to Iran, and from Buenos Aires to British Columbia. Also highlighted are 34 international versions of Hevenu Shalom Aleichem, Adon Olam, Abanibi, and Tumbalalaika. Whether you’re reading the print version and typing in the video URLs or reading the e-book version and clicking on the links, you’ll have access to 150 video clips totaling more than 10 hours of video. Enjoy!
"Israel is a Funny Country" is now available on in paperback and Kindle editions
This book explores the multifaceted nature of humor in Israel, some of which is intentional and some of which is unintentional. Either way, the quirks of Israeli life contribute to making that life interesting and fulfilling. In the pages of this volume, we take a look at humorous slices of Israeli life, Israeli comedy, satire and parody, funny TV commercials, unusual stories about food, surprising rabbinic bans on daily activities, simchas as they can only be celebrated in Israel, and endearing aspects of Israeli culture. There are more than 120 anecdotes and links to video clips totaling more than six hours of video. We hope that these anecdotes and video clips give you a new and different insight into life in Israel, and encourage you to join in the fun by planning a visit to the land flowing with milk and honey.
Now is the time to book our Jewish Humor Shows and Lectures in person or on ZOOM.
Bring Al's Jewish humor lectures and comedy programs with the funniest videos on the Internet to your community and your synagogue, club, JCC, organization or private event in person or via ZOOM. We're taking reservations now for 2025 and 2026 dates in your community. Click above for details. To book a program with Al, e-mail:
Now Open: The Jewish Humor Central Gift Shop
Jewish Humor Central logo merchandise is now available. Click on the image above to see the complete collection -- More than 100 items from tote bags, baseball caps, mugs, aprons, drinkware, T-shirts and sweatshirts, to pajamas and underwear.
The Best of Jewish Humor Central - Now Available in eBook and Paperback at
The Best of Jewish Humor Central - More than 400 video clips, including music and comedy videos for all the Jewish holidays. View them on Your PC, Mac, Kindle Fire, iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Android Tablet and Smartphone. Click on the image above to peek inside and download a free sample. And now, a paperback edition for anyone who prefers a traditional book and doesn't mind typing the URLs instead of clicking on them.
About the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
A long-term devotee of Jewish humor, Al Kustanowitz has been collecting and sharing it even before there was an internet. In 2009, after a 36-year career at IBM managing new technology projects, he founded Jewish Humor Central ( Through the blog he brings a daily dose of fun and positive energy to readers who would otherwise start the day reading news that is often drab, dreary, and depressing (subscribing is free). He has published 12 books on humor based on his more than 4,000 blog postings, each of which includes a video clip and his commentary.
He has presented more than 100 programs in South Florida and the Northeast on topics that include the great comedians and entertainers of the 20th century, funniest moments in film and television, flash mobs around the world, and composers and lyricists of the Great American Songbook.
He earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from the City University of New York and taught computer science courses at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the International Association of Yiddish Clubs.
You can contact Al via email at
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[image: Story 375601404]
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Nice feather in your cap. It's well deserved; you've worked hard to make Jewish Humor Central what it is today. Mazal Tov!
ReplyDeleteToni aka tzs13