Daily Reyd
• Standing Athwart the Ed-Tech Revolution • For Rome’s Jews, ties with
ailing pope are personal. And increasingly complicated • In Jewish day
schools, we i...
8 hours ago
Jewish Humor Central is a daily publication to start your day with news of the Jewish world that's likely to produce a knowing smile and some Yiddishe nachas. It's also a collection of sources of Jewish humor--anything that brings a grin, chuckle, laugh, guffaw, or just a warm feeling to readers. Our posts include jokes, satire, books, music, films, videos, food, Unbelievable But True, and In the News. Some are new, and some are classics. We post every morning, Sunday through Friday. Enjoy!
In a video shared by World Jewish Congress last Friday, Rabbi Marcelo Polakoff and Bishop Pedro Torres teamed together to send their musical holiday blessings to people celebrating Christmas and Hanukkah. They parody both “Hava Nagila” and “Silent Night,” making for an equal opportunity smash hit.
It’s so heartening to see leaders of different faiths coming together, and feels especially apt this year as the first night of Hanukkah begins on Christmas Eve–making for a literal Chrismukkah if there ever was one.Enjoy!
If you listen to the song more than a few times, you may have a hard time explaining to your shul friends why you're jumping up and down every time Kaddish is recited.The song "Bekarov" blends the ancient Aramaic words with modern Hebrew to create an upbeat dance track that expresses how Kaddish gives renewed hope in Hashem's world.It was composed by renowned jazz and saxophone artist Daniel Zamir, who is also the artistic director of 'Mizmor', a religious Music Academy.Produced by musician Yoni Eliyav, the song is enhanced by the talent of some of the top names in the Israeli electronic music industry: Tal Matmor, Amit Harel, and Ron Tichon."The song represents a fresh new synthesis in Jewish-Chassidic music, a high-quality blend that wets the appetite for more," said Friedman, who is a nephew of music star Avraham Fried.