Thursday, July 8, 2021

An Important Message for Email Subscribers to Jewish Humor Central

If you subscribe to Jewish Humor Central via email, you have received or will soon receive a strange-looking message from, a distributor of blog posts via email. Here's how it looks:

You received this email because the publisher of the feed Jewishhumorcentral imported you to this list, claiming that you were already subscribed to this content in other ways previously. Please confirm this is correct and you want to receive this content by clicking here, or decline if you don't want to receive it.


This is not a hack. It is a legitimate message that we authorized because Feedburner/Google, the previous distributor of our daily emails, has decided to stop providing this service. We had to find a replacement service to continue sending out the daily emails, and we chose

You must click on the confirmation link in the email that you received from to continue receiving blog posts from Jewish Humor Central. If you accidentally clicked on the red decline link, then you must re-subscribe by entering your email address in the new form atop the left column at

Thank you for your continuing support and spreading the word about Jewish Humor Central to your friends and contacts. We've been doing this for 12 years, posting more than 3,500 videos and we don't intend to stop any time soon. So please accept our apology for this unexpected service interruption and stay with us as we continue to bring you daily doses of Jewish humor. 

Al Kustanowitz and the staff of Jewish Humor Central

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