Monday, August 12, 2024

A Joke to Start the Week - "The Couple That Bickered"

It's another Monday and time for another Joke to Start the Week. Today Mickey Greenblatt is back with another good one.

Marshal (Mickey) Greenblatt received degrees from Columbia (BA and BS in Flight Sciences), a DC from Von Karman Institute (1963) and his PhD from Princeton in Aerospace Sciences. He worked as a researcher for NASA and the Naval Research Laboratory. 

With four other scientists, he founded Fusion Systems Corporation, which invented microwave-powered UV lamps for drying coatings. He founded and served on the boards of technology companies and is active in volunteer work. He served on the executive committee of the Jewish Council for the Aging of Greater Washington for many years.

Mickey also loves Jewish jokes and sent us this one to share with you. Here's the setup: Steve and Marcy had a terrible marriage. It was 40 years of bickering. And every comment from Marcy seemed to be a little zetz. One day Steve said to Marcy "What would you do if you won a million dollars in the lottery?" And then...


1 comment:

  1. I am a balla-buster husband, and I often feel like Steve. Yeah, the holes in her body/head match the bumps in mine.
    However, what keeps me with her is not her personality, but our grandchildren. (grin). PS. I am age 83, going on 85 and married ro her, almost all my life.
