Friday, August 30, 2024

Welcoming Shabbat with Yedid Nefesh by Happie Hoffman and Rabbi Joshua Katzan

Mishkon Tephilo's historic landmark building on Main Street in Venice, California houses a beautiful synagogue that warmly embraces interfaith families and converts to Judaism. People notice its relaxed and inclusive vibe and find it less formal than other synagogues — as one of its regulars put it, "Hawaiian shirt optional." 

Mishkon is participatory and many congregants engage in synagogue services, leading a section or reading from the Torah on Shabbat. Services are held Friday night (usually on Zoom or at the beach), Saturday morning and all holidays, with occasional family services and alternative learning services. 

In today's video, Mishkon's spiritual leader, Rabbi Joshua Katzan and Happie Hoffman, Musical Director for BBYO International, welcome Shabbat with Yedid Nefesh, an introduction to the Friday night service.

Enjoy, and Shabbat shalom!

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