Friday, September 20, 2024

Welcoming Shabbat With Adon Olam (to the Main Theme from Star Wars) by Cantor Marcus Feldman

The songs we sing in the synagogue on Shabbat can be set to many different tunes and there have been many adaptations of Adon Olam, Lecha Dodi, and Ein Keiloheinu that reflect popular songs from Broadway, Hollywood, and the Great American Songbook.

On May 4 (May the fourth be with you) Cantor Marcus Feldman of Temple Sinai in Los Angeles sang Adon Olam to the main theme from Star Wars, in an arrangement by Benjamin Fingerhut. This is the 95th version Adon Olam that we have posted. To see the other 94 versions, scroll down to Keywords in the left column on this page.

Enjoy, and Shabbat shalom!

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